It makes you wonder where Obi-Wan Kenobi is going, or even what the show's raison d'etre is in the first place. After a third episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi that actually dared to tease, you know, ramifications from the Anakin Skywalker and Kenobi battle that wrecked the former's life and inspired hundreds of thousands of memes in the process, we're left with somewhat of a filler episode. But doesn't it feel a little too reminiscent of other Star Wars offerings as of late? How about The Mandalorian 's Season Two finale, literally titled, "The Rescue?" Or Season One's "The Prisoner?" Is it too much to ask for more than a mandatory rescue mission capsule episode per season of a Star Wars show? Which I understand are all plot beats baked into the very DNA of a Star Wars story. We see Kenobi cosplaying as an Empire commander. This week's edition of Old Man Ewan features the Jedi and his new Resistance friends staging a rescue mission for baby Leia Organa, infiltrating the Inquisitor base where she's in captivity. So I'm watching Episode Four of Obi-Wan Kenobithis morning. We're Happy That Hayden Christensen is Happy.
'Obi-Wan' Needs More of Zach Braff's Freck. The trio hops into Sully’s ship while Wade distracts Reva, but Reva sends Wade’s ship plummeting into the water before he can escape. The stormtroopers raise their blasters to fire on Tala, Obi-Wan, and Leia … when suddenly two ships come flying in and begin firing on the base. They almost make it back to the ship, but Reva catches up with them. Tala tosses Obi-Wan an Imperial disguise, and he hides Leia under his coat as they walk through a crowded area. The Jedi narrowly escapes the explosion of water that pours over the stormtroopers that were advancing on them. Stray blaster fire cracks a window, and Obi-Wan uses the Force to try to prevent the water from rushing in as Tala finds them and takes Leia. Lightsaber in hand, Obi-Wan fights his way through the base with Leia behind him. Obi-Wan and Leia have been spotted by a seeker droid. However, before Reva can send her for interrogation, an alarm goes off. When Reva demands that she admit she’s a spy, Tala pivots and says that she was a spy for the Empire. Unfortunately for Tala, Reva is immediately suspicious, because she can’t understand how “an old man and a little girl” could escape an Imperial checkpoint on a planet she was stationed on. She sends for Reva and gives her false information about the Path. He hears Leia cry out, and he instructs Tala to come up with a distraction. Obi-Wan eventually finds the secure sector, which isn’t a fortress, but rather a tomb for the Inquisitors’ victims. When she calls back out to Obi-Wan over the comlink, their cover is nearly blown, but the Jedi uses the Force to distract the nearby stormtroopers that overheard the noise. However, another officer realizes that Tala doesn’t belong there, and he leads her away, so Obi-Wan is on his own for a few moments until Tala discreetly fights the man off. Tala sits down at a station and overrides an entry port, which Obi-Wan accesses from underwater, and she begins to direct him to the detention area where Leia is being held. However, Tala confidently pulls rank, and after a vague threat about going to the Grand Inquisitor, she enters without further issue. They check her credentials and tell her they can’t let her through, because this isn’t her sector. Tala makes her way onto the base, and she tries to enter without clearance, but she’s stopped by security. After more failed attempts at getting through to the child, Reva instructs the stormtroopers to take Leia to an interrogation chair. Reva tries to use the Force to pull the information from Leia, but the young girl pushes back and keeps her out. However, Leia’s face hardens with resolve. Reva tugs at Leia’s emotions by telling her that the people she’s looking for are the ones who left Obi-Wan to die, and she can go home if she helps her. Leia asks her how Obi-Wan died, and she tells the girl that he burned to death on Mapuzo.
On Nur, Reva attempts to get Leia to share where the other Jedi safe houses are.
Tala offers to go with Obi-Wan, given that she should still have officer clearance to get him inside. Roken shows Obi-Wan where they believe the Inquisitors are - on a water moon called Nur in the Mustafar system. Roken tells him that he was married to a Jedi, but the Inquisitors found her … he’s well aware of what they’re capable of. Obi-Wan implores the other man to help him find Leia. Tala brings Obi-Wan to speak with a man named Roken, who’s angry that she brought him there, because too many people are looking for him.
Elsewhere, Reva tells Leia that Obi-Wan is dead, and nobody is coming for her. The Princess of Alderaan is in the clutches of the Empire.